Monday, June 27, 2011

Packing for a Fantastic Voyage

Yay for everyone responding to The General’s call to action! However, based on this group’s responses, I think it’s safe to say that if Mo ever requires any sort of rescue mission she’s fucked. Being the giver that I am, I took to the internets to help us all get on board with where the f is Africa. More specifically, where is Rwanda? So, while I’m not sure about scale, Amy, below is a map showing us and Rwanda. I hope my additional markers helped.

Africa does appear to be quite girthy. What may be more interesting is the other image that came up when I googled “Rwanda.” Any insights into why this:

would come up in a Rwandan google search would be much appreciated.

However, that’s not the topic for the week. Apparently when you head to the Africa, you have to pack more than just your bikini and some sunscreen like a trip to Disney. Mo has to pack the essentials- down to TP as a J.I.C.

But who cares about the essentials? BO-RING! This week’s question is: What are the 3 nonessential things could you not live without if you were joining Mo in Africa for 4 months? I don’t really care about what toiletries you want or who is gross enough to not bring a toothbrush. I want to know what 3 frivolous things would you deem absolutely necessary to get through 4 months in Africa . . . now that we know where it is?

1 comment:

  1. Weird, I wonder if V.Ice is big in Rwanda akin to the Hoff dominating Germany. Then again, I heard he's building houses now on a show for TLC. Maybe he builds in Rwanda too. I wouldn't put it past him, he's got such a big heart.

    3 nonessential things? Aw Flash just got personal.

    1. Nerf gun- don't worry, I know how to handle one and it's lighter than a machete
    2. Orbit pink bubblegum- so that I can politely turn down questionable food by pointing and saying, "thanks, all set"
    3. How I Met Your Mother DVDs- for when I've had enough of safaris and need some good old couch (or straw mat) time

